Friday, September 10, 2021

Research: Who are trailers aimed at?

 I watched three film trailers: VITA AND VIRGINIA, FROZEN 11 and APPOLLO 11

Trailers are mostly aimed at the audience who they intend the film to be viewed by. There are different types of films like there are different types of people. Everyone will want different features in a film and the trailer has to highlight the ones their target audience will look for. I looked at and analysed the trailers and tried to look for the audience catagories below:

Vita and Virginia:

I would say that the target audience would be over 25 year olds. It would appeal to literary audiences as Virginia Woolf is one of England's greatest writers and it is an arthouse film. It is about groups such as the Bloomsbury group who Vita and Virgina belonged to. Similarly her views expressed about marriage show her modern stance on women and how she is independent. This would appeal to young women and socially aware women who are interested in the history of feminism. It is set in the 1920s, making it a period piece, which would appeal to people who can appreciate the clothes, costumes and lifestyle from a decade ago. This is shown through the use of the type writer, china tea sets and other props. It could also interest gay people or couples as it follows two women's journey of being together secretly at a time when it was socially unacceptable. The beautiful gardens and scenery would also attract gardening and Naitonal Trust lovers who can appreciate the beauty of it with gardens similar to Sissinghurst. The high production value will appeal to a prestige audience. It is based on a screen play so it is a 
literary adaptation. 

Frozen 2:

This film will appeal to adults as well as children as the quality of animation is so high- the first few seconds show an animated ocean which is very realistic. The production values are very high which would people who appreciate film production. The main character- Elsa- is shown tying her hair up and running through the sea which would attract young female audiences as she is shown to be powerful which represents female empowerment. This is exaggerated through the repetitive shots showing her determination. It shows action, adventure and danger as she is struck down in the sea. This would also appeal to boys as a male character is shown charging through the forest on a reindeer. It has a comedic appeal with the character Olaf being light-hearted and funny. It is a family friendly feel good film which would attract parents to see the film with their children as it has an endearing plot. The vibrant colours will appeal to children as they are engaging. With the music behind it and the beautiful scenes, it is wholesome which is promoting good values.

Apollo 11:

This film would appeal to people who are interested in space as there are rockets and space- gear shown very soon within the trailer. It would appeal to a slightly older audience as space is not something that children can understand in complexity. It is a documentary which would appeal to people who would visit NASA and are fascinated by space history, especially modern. The procution value makes it appear authentic and therefore more realistic and therefore more reliable. The quality of the dialogue is in the style of a ground- control communicator which gives the film more value and more inside information which would appeal to people who are interested in Apollo 11. The footage is completely archives footage. The focus on the 'we were one' highlights the sense of national pride at this time which would appeal to the other Americans who felt that they were part of the 'one' and were happy to celebrate their nationalistic pride. I have watched the trailer for Gravity recently which appeals to a very different type of audience, although they are both based in space. Apollo 11 feels like it is moving towards a triumphant conclusion whereas Gravity is surrounded by danger and suspence. This shows how there is a wide range of potential audience who would like space- related films. 

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