Friday, September 17, 2021


Trailers are produced, usually, during the time that the editing is going on. The release point of the trailer is important because if it is released too early, people may forget about it by the time it comes out. Similarly if it is released too late then there will be no opportunity for audience excitement to build. 

I watched three trailers from the FDA website:

Toy Story 4:
  • It is a sequel which would be the main talking point- nostalgic- people know the characters
  • Even older children/ adults would watch it because they know the previous films and would be curious to see the next story. The amazing animation quality would also entice an older audience who are able to appreciate the characters from their childhood knowledge of the prequals as well as the amazing animation quality.
  • I think the producers would choose summer or spring for the film's release because that is when children have their biggest holidays so parents would be looking for activities to preoccupy them. 
  • Similarly, it appears to be based in summer which would be good to emulate with the release date for that upbeat summer feel. 
  • The soundtrack would appeal to parents as the songs are from their teenage years/ childhood which would be very uplifting. The songs behind the trailer is 'God only knows what I'd be without you' by the Beach Boys which is very popular with older generations but also knows as a joyful song with the younger generations. 
  • Disney is selling the idea of family memories through the toys which parents will also want to create with their children- going to watch the film in the cinema. 
  • Parents may also align Woody's desire to protest children and make them happy with their own goals as a parent. As well as wanting family activities and memories.
  • The reintrocution of Bo Peep is also appealing as she is a strong femals character for young girls to look up to as well as comedic elements to attract parents.

  • The main talking point of this film would be its basis around the internationally famous band the Beatles with their music being so popular and definitely a huge attraction of the film.
  • It would be nostalgic for an older generation but the Beatles' music is not limited to one generation so it can be appreciated by all ages as it is that well known.
  • The title of the film 'Yesterday' will be associated with the song and would immediately make older people start humming along. The songs from the trailers could get stuck in the viewer's head and remind them of the film whenever they find themselves humming it. 
  • It leverages the most famous singer songwriters in the world with the USP being the different take on tha band and their remake of it being inovative.
  • The comedic element to the film would attract younger audiences who are not gripped by the Beatles but by the jokey style of the film. 
  • Blind it by the light leverages the same type of buzz as it bases it off Bruce Springsteen's music.                                                                                                                                       
  • Another main attraction is the star talent as actress Lily James is the love interest and she is very well known. Similarly Ed Sheeran has a guest appearence in it which adds a comedic element to the film and would engage his musical fans. James Cordon also makes a guest appearence. The intertiles also let the audience know that the producers have made Love Actually which 
  • The pure obscurity of the world forgetting the Beatles is also an intriguing part of the film which implies magic has been used for it to occur. 
  • I think the film would be released in summer because of the uplifting theme of the film (being comedic) and the Beatles Soundtrack. Similarly, the film has a festival theme to it and they happen in summer. By the film being released in summer it makes people feel involved and as if they are partaking. 

The Brink:
  • A main talking point is its genre of political film. A USP of the film is the elements of documentary to the film with real footage being included which makes the story more reliable. Audiences might feel that they have an insight into the truth of events and would watch it to gain more knowledge. 
  • This would be aimed at adults because the topic matter is more heavy and existing knowledge of politics would be needed in order to understand it.
  • The release of the film would be important as ithe audience interest would depend on the proximity of the release to the events being filmed.
  • I turned to Peter Bradshaw's article on the film for more information between my second and third viewing of the trailer. His opinion would be shared with regular readers of the guardian which is that the film made him realise that he was still unable to trust Bannon. He left a 4 star review but explained that it gave evidence on the events but did not neccessarily ask the harder questions. This may attract simpler audiences who are less informed on the events and would view it with the purpose of being informed. However people who are more engaged and knowledgable on these events would want material more stimulating and would therefore not see it as a good film, like Bradshaw.
  • This trailer is very different from the Frost Nixon trailer which approaches the film as an expose style which is more engaging and mysterious. 

1 comment:

  1. TOY STORY excellent analysis of the trailer's appeal to its target audiences through nostalgia and shared happiness, as well as its summer holiday feel with the Beach Boys track, the trailer holiday and so on.
    YESTERDAY Many astute observations including the key point that it evokes the festival vibe, which is a summer activity.
    THE BRINK Thorough and well-informed, with evidence of reading reviews from The Guardian's film critic and a contrast with the FROST/NIXON trailer.



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