Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Research: What is a trailer?


Questions on trailers:
  •  I looked at the trailer for the film BOOKSMART before I started to answer these questions. I based my answers on general trailers but looking at one beforeband helped. 
  • I have started further research into trailers using the FDA's Teaching Trailers online course, from which these resources come. 

The marketing campaign for a film is the different ways in which the film's 'message' is presented to potential audiences.
While studying the film industry last year, I found out about how Hollywood  majors and the UK independent films were able to create successful marketing campaigns which were intriguing for the audiences. The campaigns for film marketing cover many different ways to convey a film's message for the audiences. 

1. What do you think are the mejor elements of a film marketing campaign?
These major elements for the film marketing campaigns are the trailer which is a teaser for the audience which lays out the genre, main characters and a vague storyline. Another main element is the target audience which the production comany aims to reach through genre conventions and adveritising techniques. The Black Panther website had man convergent links which led to the trailer, information about the film as well as links to merchandise which would appeal to the existing Marvel fans who immerse themselves fully in the Marvel universe. More grassroot efforts were made to target different audiences such as a fashion show called 'Wakanda fashion' being set up to engage more female based audiences. A more global audience was reached through the use of social media. For example the #blackpanther was trending on Twitter globally. Star appearences were a large part of their film campaign. 

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?
The trailer was avaliable on Youtube but also the convergent link to it was included on the Black Panther website which was a convenient place for viewers to find it. The convergent links to merchandise were also found on the website but could also be searched on the main Disney/ Marvel store. The fashion show and celebrity appearences were mainly announced on social media as it is able to reach the widest audience, globally. Magazine articles were also published about Black Panther as well as radio interviews and regular TV/ Youtube interviews which built the anticipation for the film's release as the marketing campaign started 2 years before its release. 

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide which films to see?
I like seeing ethnicity within a film as well as even gender distributed roles. This is key for me when I see a film I tend to notice this very quickly and will be put off a film that is not inclusive. For example, I look to see weather the white people are always the heroes and people of colour are painted as the villains. I really like action-filled films so the indication of genre in a trailer, for example, is key for me. I also decide films on subject matter. I do not like films which are too sad so if it is a Cinéma vérité, I would be less interested if the subject matter is really sad and serious. 

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   Millie Wyatt  1874 I worked with Ellie Smart  1859 , Charlotte Coppellotti  1812  and Jess Foster  1820. Brief Option 2:    A promotion p...