Wednesday, March 2, 2022


  Millie Wyatt 1874

I worked with Ellie Smart 1859, Charlotte Coppellotti 1812 and Jess Foster 1820.

Brief Option 2:  A promotion package for a new film, to include two trailers (major task), together with an official social media page for the film and a poster for the film (minor tasks). We made the promo pack for a crime/comedy film. The name of our film is DODGING A BULLET. DODGING A BULLET is a film about four female criminals 

Editing: I took the main responsibility for the editing of our film. I used Final Cut Pro and iMovie to do this. I took our film footage from the Canon 650D camera and uploaded it to our Mac computer at school. I imported voice memos and recordings to accompany our footage with music and dialogue. I was able to use the blade tool to cut and fit our footage as well as the volume and colour wash tools to edit the appearence of images and videos. I used iMovie to edit footage for our CCTV scene where I imposed a camera point of view filter over the four criminals surrounding the body. I used an app called 'Voice Changer' to distort a voice memo to sound static and like it was coming from a police radio. A challenge that we faced with editing was making sure we weren't continuity editing as that is an oppositie convention of a trailer. However, we used quick cut editing and intertiles to break it up. 

Camerawork: We used a Canon 650D camera and my iPhone 12 to do our filming. I often set up and used a tripod for our filming as we started out without it and found that our footage was shakey which we did not want. Specifically, in the board room scene, we struggled with lighting so that we didn't drown out our faces with light. Ellie was the main videographer and we all assisted her. There were many scenes where my character was not present so I took over the filming. We all did this at some point which gave everyone an opportunity. I specifically filmed the beginning montages where I used the tripod to pan over the mansion. I found that the tripod allowed me to get a much steady shot.

Directing: I contributed to the directing when I was behind the camera by making prop placement suggestions as well as acting encouragement. We all did this but Jess took the main directing role as she has worked in many school productions and so has more acting knowledge and experience. I used my enthusiasm for editing to fuel my directing as I had many suggestions that I could then edit together. A strength of our group was that we all had directing contributions to make.

My Social Media:

I made the Facebook page for our film. I used the platform to post intruguing images and text regarding our trailer release. This included posts about the actors, production and teasers from our trailer. I also used the platform to promote our posters. This was a very good way of engaging our audience who are a young-adult audience that mainly consume their information on social media.

My Creative Critical Reflection can be found in the 'Creative Critical Reflection' page above.




I was responsible for the Facebook page for our production Dodging a Bullet:

Saturday, February 5, 2022


 We thought that it was important to have a well-rounded advertising for our production. Merchandising with T-shirts and mugs allows us to entice different demographics as all ages appreciate a mug or a t-shirt. Our most significant elements of our production, that are visually appealing were the mansion (scenery) and the painting (colourful) as well as the four criminals. We later decided to use bags as merchandise too as we felt that they were useful and durable items that promote environmental friendliness as well as being commonly used by young-adults (our main target audience). Next we created paint with our key images on, as well as note pads and pens. This is very relevant to our film as it surrounds a painting being stolen. These were the final products. We have posted about them on our social media (mine is Facebook) to advertise them for the audience. Merchandising is important which is another form of brand cohesiveness. Global conglomerates such as Marvel use toy merchandising on their website to entice their younger audiences. We did this, similarly, as mugs and t-shirts are relatively universally used items which would attract a wide range of people.




Paint Set:

Thursday, February 3, 2022


Dodging a Bullet's BBFC certificate:

Films have to be classified through the process of classification which gives it an age rating and context or advice to the film viewers. This process is to protect children and vulnerable audiences from content that might distress them. The BBFC publish guidelines which show the conventions for each rating. 

We researched the guidlines from the BBFC's website. We decided that out film would fit into the age bracket 15 best as it includes some harsh language. Jess used Powerpoint to 'photoshop' a template of a BBFC poster to alter it to fit our film. 


Wednesday, February 2, 2022


During the construction phase, it was important to take into account the various risks we might have come across. Risks could be caused by factors such as transport, weather, hazards on set, general public as well as any major public incidents that would effect our filming. In order to anticipate this and put in place control measures to reduce any risks, we laid out all the potential risks we might have faced. 

  • Hazard to Health and Safety
  • Risk posed and to whom
  • Risk Level (H/M/L)
  • Control measure to reduce risk
  • Further action needed to reduce risk

Transport: All our footage was taken at school and so there was no need to transport anywhere

Weather: On the 26th, it rained, the outside floor became slippery, there was a danger of getting clothing wet and becoming too cold. Wet camera when filming outside, we were unable to use the tripod, as it was raining. Students bring appropriate clothing suitable for all weather and be cautious when walking on slippery surfaces.

First Aid Issues: Trips/Falls – could trip over in darkened rooms. Possibility of tripping when running. Accidents when performing mild stunts e.g. falling down stairs, jumping out windows. Carry a first aid kit at all times, aim to have a first-aider on stand-by, close car doors carefully, identify areas of danger.

General Public (e.g. theft or assault): Low risk of potential assault or kind of incident as we are filming on school premises. Students causing incident with member of public. Students stay in groups when in public spaces (with mobile phones), do not approach members of public or respond to provoking comments, students to remain in supervised conditions, do not film late at night, follow guidance of emergency personnel.

Accommodation (e.g. risk assessment from centre): No overnight accommodation so n/a

Major Public Incident (e.g. terrorism): Not applicable as there is minor chance of a terrorist attack in a school. In the case of one: Ensure venue has assembly point and pupils know where it is, as well as giving pupils assembly points whilst on public transport. Ensure pupils know the national advice to run if possible and hide if not. Ensure pupils know to always follow police instruction. Issue pupils with printed emergency contact card detailing school landline and school mobile – instruct them to call if they become lost (as well as alerting security official). Ensure trip leader has a school mobile and also contact details for both the school and all pupils + families


   Millie Wyatt  1874 I worked with Ellie Smart  1859 , Charlotte Coppellotti  1812  and Jess Foster  1820. Brief Option 2:    A promotion p...